Founder: His Holiness Dr. Shri Shri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji

Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering

Academic Block 5


The Department of Civil Engineering was started in the year 2007, with an initial intake of 60 students which was further increased to 120 in the year 2012. There are 480 graduate students including first year are studying in this department, out of which about 20% of our students passed out are pursuing their higher education either from IITs or other reputed institutes. The Department was created so as to provide professional skills and knowledge in specific areas of civil engineering so that its graduates could serve the engineering profession with societal needs with ethics and responsibilities. Since inception, the department has been imparting quality education that keeps the pace with technological advancement and industrial requirements. To achieve this goal, the department has a team of fourteen highly qualified faculty members having rich and varied industrial experience making an apt blend of theoretical and practical knowledge.
The Department has organized several field visits to the projects and construction sites that exposed students for better appreciation of complexities and problems involved in project development and management. The department has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC) in the month of June 2021 intended to recognize the general basis for a cooperative and a collaborative working relationship between the two parties. It had also organized the National Conference on Advances in Smart buildings, Trenchless Technology & Intelligent Materials in Manufacturing ( nCASTTIM-2021) on 23/09/2021 on online mode. The department has tied up with various professional bodies such as Indian Concrete Institute (ICI- Western UP Centre Ghaziabad) and Indian Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT) to promote growth of concrete construction and to arrange the National and International Workshops, Conferences, Seminars, Deminars & Exhibitions in the department.
The Department is recognized as a research centre by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi. Faculty members are actively involved in publishing research paper in various National /International Journals and Conferences. The Department regularly organizes Student development programs, Faculty development programs, Conferences, and Workshops. A continuous interaction with industries is established through MOUs, Industry visits, and Internships. Department has a membership with professional bodies and conducts various technical activities. The Department has a technical forum called INiT (Innovation in Technology), student clubs NCrypt and Split_Train_Test which is responsible for research and development of innovative ideas. Students are consistently getting ranks in University exams. They are encouraged to participate in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and have won prizes. Training and Placement division provides full training and placement assistance to students in all areas of professional education. Around 90% of our students get placed in reputed companies. Students have exhibited good performance in competitive examinations. Alumnus are serving in various positions in reputed companies like Amazon, Adobe, Accenture, Wipro Technologies and Cognizant Technologies. With the rapidly evolving technology and continuous need for innovation, it has been the Department’s ongoing endeavour to produce quality engineering graduates.

Message From HOD


Dr. Vijayakumar Halakatti

Professor & Head

: +91-7619214239

The Department of Civil Engineering has multifaceted faculties with wide knowledge in every sub branches such as Structures, Transportation, Hydraulics and Water resources, Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering etc. The students here are encouraged to engage extra-curricular and co-curricular activities since they are essential for personality development and organizational skills. It is right place if someone is looking for a well-balanced and innovative teaching-learning atmosphere in Civil Engineering. The Department strives for excellence in teaching and learning and professional development. The department is proud enough to declare that it has state-of-the-art laboratories and dedicated academic and technical staff to support our academic program. The department and its experienced staff offer practice related education, preparing our students for a successful and rewarding career. The department stands for academic excellence. Our graduates are exceptionally well prepared for encountering the challenging careers and achieve new heights in their careers.


  • To become center of excellence in education and research in Civil Engineering to benefit the society at large.


  • To impart quality education in areas of civil engineering.
  • To promote research and higher education in specific areas of civil engineering.
  • To provide Built Environment skills to serve societal needs by producing ethical values.
# Program Educational Objectives:-The Graduates will be able to:
PEO - 1 To prepare graduates to develop entrepreneurial abilities like leadership traits, teamwork and communication skills to excel in civil engineering and allied disciplines.
PEO - 2 To enable graduates to perform their roles with professional ethics and responsibilities
PEO - 3 To enable graduates to pursue higher studies and carry Research and Development for benefit of industry and society at large
# Program Specific Outcomes
PSO-1 Students will have the technical and managerial skills necessary to enter into careers of planning, design, construction, Operations &Maintenance of the built environment and global infrastructure.
PSO-2 Students will be prepared to analyse and perform value engineering in system design, safety, quality, and risk management by suitably interfacing with the industry.

# Program Outcomes

Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineeringfundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineeringproblems.


Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.


Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.


Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.


Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.


The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.


Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.


Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.


Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.


Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.


Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.


Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

The department Academic advisory committee comprises HOD, senior faculty, external academicians, members from industry, alumni members and student members. The committee will review the academic quality and suggest improvements in the related areas.



Dr. Gurulingappa M. Patil
Principal,JSS Academy of Technical Education,Noida,
e-mail: principal@jssaten.ac.in,Ph. No.0120-2400098.

Internal Academician Chairman


Dr. Vijayakumar Halakatti
Head,Department of Civil Engineering,
JSS Academy of Technical Education,Noida,
e-mail:hodce@jssaten.ac.in,Ph No: 7619214239.

Internal Academician Member Secretary


Dr. R.S.Jagdish
Dean Academics,
JSS Academy of Technical Education,Noida,
e-mail:deanacad@jssaten.ac.in,Ph No: 9650317495.

Internal Academician Invitee


Ms. Shabana Khan
Dy. GM, Maccaferri India,
Maccaferri India,
e-mail:shabana@maccaferri-india.com,Ph No: 8800466018.

Industry Member (Industry Person)


Er. A.K. Sharma
Former Spl. Director General,
e-mail:aksharmacpwd@yahoo.com,Ph No: 9868525057.

External Academician Invitee


Dr. P. R. Maiti
Associate Prof., CE,
e-mail:Prmaiti.civ@iitbhu.ac.in,Ph No: 9956949290.

External Academician Member (Tier-I Institute)


Dr. Nirendra Dev
Professor & Head,
DTU, Delhi

External Academician Member (Tier-I Institute)


Dr. Anil K Gupta
Jhilmil & F.C. Ind. Area CETP society
e-mail:kansalents@rediffmail.com ph No: 9312215009

Parent Member


Mr. Sanjeev Sharma
Manager Admin,
Vishweshwarya Group of Institution
e-mail:shanjeevsharmavgi@gmail.com ph No: 9899609712

Parent Member


Ms. Kavita Tondon
Research Scholar,
IIT Delhi
e-mail:kavita.tandon2008@gmail.com ph No: 9015536450

Alumni Member


Mr. Hitesh Jaishwal
Asst. Divissional Engineer,
Indian Railway
e-mail:Hiteshjaishwal12@gmail.com ph No: 9899389262

Alumni Member


Associate Prof., CE,
e-mail:s.varadhrajan@jssaten.ac.in ph No: 8745941213

Internal Academecian Invitee


Ms.Aparupa Shenoy
NBA Cord. & Asst. Prof., CE,
e-mail:ashenoy@jssaten.ac.in ph No: 9717988069

Internal Academecian Invitee

Program Assessment Committee – PAC is constituted to assess the academic process of the program.

The following are the roles of the Program Assessment Committee:

1. Module wise CO, CO-PO and PSO mapping.
2. Continuous improvement.
3. Departmental initiatives on Industrial training.
4. Curriculum gap identification, efforts to fulfill the curriculum gap.
5. Module wise CO-PO attainment (Direct+ Indirect tools)
6. Placement improvement planning.
7. Departmental functional based committees and their activities.
Program Assessment Committee:
1. Prof. Gurulingappa M Patil (Principal, JSSATEN, NOIDA) - Chairman.
2. Prof. Sampat Kumar (NBA Cord. & HOD-EC, JSSATE, NOIDA) - Member.
3. Dr. Vijaya kumar H (HOD, CE, JSSATE, NOIDA) - Convenor.
4. Dr. S.Vardarajan (Associate Prof., CE, JSSATEN) - Member. 5. Mrs Ruchi Saraswat (Asst. Prof, CE, JSSATE, NOIDA) - Member. 6. Mrs Aparupa Shenoy (NBA Cord. & Asst. Prof., CE, JSSATEN) - Member. 7. Mr Tilak L N (NBA Cord & Asst. Prof., CE, JSSATE, NOIDA) - Member. 8. Mr. A.N. Veerendra kumar (Asst. Prof. ME, JSSATEN) - Member. 9. Dr. Prashant Chauhan (Associate. Prof., ME, JSSATEN) - Member.

  • Excellent infrastructure with the state-of-the-art equipment and laboratory facilities.
  • Spacious classrooms and well-stocked library.
  • Laboratories in Machine learning, Mobile Application Development, Computer Networks, Programming the Web.
  • Research and Project Lab, IoX Lab (Internet on Everything).
  • Details of Lab facilities

    Name of the Laboratory Name of the Important Equipment
    Basic Surveying Practice Laboratory

    Total Station, Electronic Theodolite, Auto Level, Theodolite, Dumpy Levels, Planimeter, Prismatic and Surveyor’s Compass, GPS, Mirror stereoscope with parallax bar.

    Concrete And Highway Material Laboratory

    Compression Testing Machine, Rebound Hammer, Slump Test Apparatus, Compaction Factor Apparatus, Universal testing machine, Concrete mixer,Universal Penetrometer, Marshall Apparatus,Los Angeles Abrasion, California Bearing Ratio testing machine, Ductility testing machine, Impact testing machine, Water absorption apparatus.

    Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory

    Direct Shear Test, Permeability apparatus, Tri-axial setup, Atterberg limits setup, Compaction mould, Core cutter and accessories, Sand replacement setup, Hydrometer, Split spoon, Standard penetration test apparatus, Relative density apparatus.

    Environmental Engineering Laboratory

    Disolved Oxygen Measurment System, Turbidity meter, Magnetic Stirrer, Sound level Meter, Digital Titration Meter, Digital Soil/Water Analysis Kit,B.O.D Incubator, C.O.D Digester, Digital pH meter.

    Computer Aided Design Laboratory

    AECOsim Building Designer CONNECT, AECOsim Energy Simulator V8i,Bentley Descartes, Bentley Map Enterprise V8i , MicroStation V8i, Bentley MX V8i India, Bentley Pointools CONNECT, Bentley PowerCivil, Bentley PowerRebar V8i, CivilStorm CONNECT Edition, CivilStorm CONNECT, HAMMER CONNECT Edition, Maxsurf CONNECT, MicroStation PowerDraft V8i, OpenRoads Designer CONNECT, RAM Concept V8i x64, SewerGEMS CONNECT, STAAD Foundation Advanced CONNECT, STAAD.Pro V8i, StormCAD CONNECT, WaterGEMS CONNECT, CONNECTIONS Passport, SACS Marine Enterprise, SACS Offshore Structure Enterprise, STAAD INDIA Design Codes, STAAD UK Super Codes, STAAD US Std Design Codes, Auto CAD 2020.


    Faculty Name
    Nature of Association
    1 Dr. VijayKumar H B.E.,M.Tech.,Ph.D.
    (Structural Engineering)
    Associate Professor & HOD
    Click Here
    2 Dr. S Varadharajan B.E.,M.Tech.,Ph.D.
    (Structural Engineering)
    Associate Professor
    Click Here
    3 Mrs. Ruchi Saraswat B.E.,M.Tech.
    (Disaster Management)
    Assistant Professor
    Click Here
    4 Mrs. Aparupa Shenoy B.E.,M.Tech.
    (Environmental Engineering)
    Assistant Professor
    Click Here
    5 Mrs. Vaishnavi Bansal B.E.,M.Tech.
    (Transportation Engineering)
    Assistant Professor
    Click Here
    6 Mr. Santoshkumar M. B B.E.,M.Tech.
    (Hydraulics Engineering)
    Assistant Professor
    Click Here
    7 Mr. Tilak L. N B.E.,M.Tech.
    (GIS & Remote Sensing)
    Assistant Professor
    Click Here
    8 Mr. Manjunath B. N B.E,M.Tech(Earthquake Engineering) Assistant Professor
    Click Here
    9 Mr. Prasad Bishetti B.E,M.Tech (Construction Technology) Assistant Professor
    Click Here
    10 Mr. Parikshit N. H B.E,M.Tech(Structural Engineering) Assistant Professor
    Click Here
    11 Mr. Bishnukant S B.E,M.Tech (Water Resources Engineering) Assistant Professor
    Click Here
    12 Mr. Gaurav Bharti B.E,M.E.(Geotechnical Engineering) Assistant Professor
    Click Here
    13 Ms. Srishti Y B.E,M.Tech (Environmental Engineering) Assistant Professor
    Click Here
    14 Mr. Amit Tripati B.E,M.Tech,(Urban Infrastructure)
    Assistant Professor
    Click Here
    Mr. Yogesh kumar
    Mr. Rajesh K
    Mr. Aruna L A
    M. Tech
    Mr. Shivakumar C
    Lab Helper

    Student Forum "Association Of Civil Engineers(ACE)"

    Department regularly conducts various activities under Association of Civil Engineers (ACE) and Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) to enhance the knowledge of students. Department is associated with various professional bodies, which has supported the department in conducting various programs.

    Professional Body
    Type of Association
    Year of association
    Association Of Civil Engineers(ACE)
    Student Forum
    Indian Concrete Institute (ICI)
    Student Chapter

    Scope & Objectives

    ACE organises multiple annual events in each academic year for the all round growth of the students and the society members. ACE helps its members to build a better working experience in the field of technical, outreach and management through various events to discover the hidden talent in the students and to facilitate a platform to exhibit technical, presentation, and communication skills in organizing various events for students in the technical field.

    ICI organizes multiple events in each academic year for students of all semesters and the society members. ICI helps its members to build a better working experience in the field of concrete and its recent developments and helps to discover the hidden talent in the students and to facilitate through various events to exhibit technical, presentation, and communication skills in organizing various events for students in the technical field.

    Research Initiatives

    The faculties of the program are actively involved in publication of the technical/research papers in various national, international journals and conferences. Since from the beginning of this year, the faculties have published 2 papers in SCI, 4 papers in WoS and 7 papers in Scopus Indexed journals.
    There are five research scholars working in the department as faculties. The research scholars and students are encouraged to take up inter disciplinary research in various domains like Structural Engineering, Geo-technical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Highway Engineering, Hydraulics and Water Resource Management, Remote Sensing and GIS, Soft computing, etc.

    Scheme Title of the Project Funding Agency Name of PI & CO-PI Amount in Rs.
    DST-CRG Manufacture of eco-friendly high strength concrete by using Imperial smelting furnace slag with addition of Construction & Demolition waste DST Dr.S.Varadharajan & Dr.Vijayakumar Halakatti 35,93,000/-
    DST-SUPRA Manufacture of eco-friendly concrete by using Imperial smelting furnace slag and bamboo fibres DST Dr.S.Varadharajan & Dr.R.S.Jagadish 37,93,000/-
    DST-CRG Fracture behavior of recycled coarse aggregate self-compacting concrete DST Dr. Vijayakumar.H & Dr.S.Varadharajan 48,00,000/-
    MODROBS Modernization and up-gradation of building materials lab AICTE Dr.S.Varadharajan & Dr.Vijayakumar Halakatti 20,00,000/-

    Research Guides and Areas Available for Ph.D Programs

    # Research Guide Area of Specialization
    1 Dr.Vijayakumar Halakatti(Associate Professor &Head) Structural Engineering
    2 Dr.S.Varadharajan (Associate Professor) Structural Engineering

    Industry Institute Interaction

    The department has signed a MoU with the Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC) in the month of July 2021.The CIDC undertakes a wide range of activities to benefit the construction industry. This includes conducting training at various levels, organizing workshops and conferences, publishing journals and newsletters, welfare programs for construction workers, grading, and placement and so on. The contribution of CIDC to the country's growth has been recognized by various organizations. The CIDC is the recipients of the prestigious Golden Peacock National Training Award 2008. It is working towards making the Indian construction industry more professional and competitive and working towards the larger interests of society and the nation.
    Following is the action plan for industry collaboration:

    1.To interact with local construction industries to involve them with in relation to research and innovative activity.
    2. Inviting the construction companies in order to get consultancy.
    3. Involving the industry experts in college committees and advisory board.
    4.To arrange for Guest Lectures by experienced person from the industry.
    5. Organizing workshop/seminar periodically and invite the corporate people to deliver lecture and interact.
    6. To arrange for the Industrial visit, Expos, Exhibitions for students and faculties.

    Department has a good placement record with an average placement percentage of more than 90%. The department organizes placement training programs in both soft skills and domain specific skills. Students are placed in core companies like ADOBE, INTEL, ONEDIRECT, McAfee, BETSOL, Accenture, TCS, Infosys and Wipro.

    Particulars 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
    No of students
    No of students placed
    Higher studies

    Students of CE department have excelled in Extra-curricular activities that are conducted in the department and students have participated and won prizes in many inter-college and university levels. The list of activities listed here.

    Academic Year 2019-20

    1 Long Jump-Mythri annual sports meet Himanshu Rawat 2nd Place 04 Oct
    2 Senior National powerlifting Championship at Palampura H.P Bhanu Pratap Singh 2nd Place 06-10 Aug
    3 Group Song -Dr. Abdul Kalam Arts and Cultural Fest at ITS, Greater Noida Adhyan Kumar 1st Place 07 Feb
    4 Singing Competition-AKACF at ITS college of engineering. Greater Noida Mohd Kazim Raza 1st Place 07 Feb
    5 Twisted Ending- South Asian Medical Fest Pulse at AIIMS Delhi Sparsh Mathur 1st Place 21 Sept
    6 Stage Play- South Asian Medical Fest Pulse at AIIMS Delhi Bhagawati Nandan 1st Place 21 Sept
    7 SPOOF Competition- South Asian Medical Fest Pulse at AIIMS Delhi Bhagawati Nandan, Anudita Anand 1st Place 21 Sept
    8 Street Play-IET College Rahagiri Anudita Anand 1st Place 05 Oct

    Academic Year 2018 – 19

    1 JSS Model United Nation 2018 at JSSATE Noida Shubham Jain 1st Place 17 Nov
    2 Football-VARCHAS at IIT Jodhapur Shantanu Malharia 1st Place 10 Oct
    3 Eco Ideathon -Zealicon 2019 at JSSATE, Noida Srishti Y, Aditya 1st Place 06-09 Mar
    4 Stage Play-KIET Ghaziabad Anudita Anand, Bhagawati Nandan 1st Place 09 Aug
    5 Street Play- Zealicon 2019 Anudita Anand 1st Place 06-09 Mar

    Academic Year 2017 – 18

    1 Volleyball- UDGHOSH at IIT Kanpur Vardaan Sachdeva 2nd Place 04-07 Oct
    2 Model Exhibition Competition- Setubandh at ABES, Ghaziabad Yashwant S, Swapnil S Pranshu 1st Place 27-28 Sept
    3 Volley Ball-Mythri 2017, JSSATE Noida Vishal R 2nd Place 26-28 Sept
    4 Volley Ball-Mythri at JSSATEN Vijay seth 2nd place 26-28 Sept
    5 Volley Ball-APARJIT at Symbosis Law School Noida Vijay seth 1st Place 09 Dec

    Academic Year 2016 – 17

    1 Eco Ideathon -Zealicon 2017 at JSSATE, Noida Srishti Y, Aditya S 2nd Place 28-30 March
    2 Smackdown-Zealicon 2017 at JSSATE Noida Shlok Gautam 1st Place 28-30 March
    3 Onspot Model Making- Zealicon at JSSATE Noida Swapnil A 1st Place 28-30 March

    Academic Year 2015 – 16

    1 Scrapathon- Zealicon 2016 at JSSATEN Shubham Saxena 2nd Place 04 Apr
    2 Terrain Tracker- Zealicon 2016 at JSSATE Noida Parth Mishra, Ankita Singh 1st Place 04 Apr

    The department conducts co-curricular activities like student development programs, workshops, seminars, Hackathon to support the curriculum delivery. These events will give exposure in current computer science topics & technologies and help the students to develop inter personal, communication, team building & leadership and societal skills.

    Events conducted by the department

    1 Emerging Construction System for Mass Housing Dr. Shailesh Kr. Agrawal 24/10/21
    2 Mastermind Student coordinator 29/8/2020
    3 Fiber Reinforced Polymers for Retrofitting of Structure Dr. H. k. Sharma 31/10/2020
    4 Application of Artificial Intelligence to Prediction of Properties of Concrete Dr. Pratibha Aggarwal 28/11/2020
    5 Fundamental of Concrete Roads for Sustainable Development Dr. Vishal Ramesh Thombare 12/12/2020
    6 Durability of Structural Concrete Dr. C. D. Modhera 26/12/2020
    7 Efficiency and Effectiveness of Curing Process of Concrete Er. Sujit Kumar Kar 02/01/2021
    8 Remedial Waterproofing for Building Er. Sunny Surlakar 23/01/2021
    9 Case Study on Roads and Buildings Construction in Runn of Kutch, Gujrat- Meeting Durability Challenges at Design Construction and Maintenance Phases Er. Pradeep Garg 27/03/2021
    10 Sustainable Construction a Code Based Approach Er. Jose Kurani 24/04/2021
    11 Durability and Service Life Prediction for Concrete Dr. Yogini Deshpande 01/05/2021
    12 Durability of Concrete and its Evaluation Dr. J D Bapat 08/05/2021
    13 Building Geometrics and Structural Systems for Earthquake Resistant Buildings Er. Sangeeta Wij 15/05/2021
    14 From Ready Mic Concrete (RMC) to Readymade Buildings (RMB) Mr. S. J. Vijay 29/05/2021
    15 Creating Major Maintenance Free RCC Bridges for India Dr. Sharvil Alex Faroz 05/06/2021
    16 Variability and Factors Affecting the Interpretation of Concrete Strength Er. Amit Haridas 12/05/2021
    17 Onsite Evaluation of Concrete Strength by CAPO Test Er. Gopalkrishnan 19/06/2021
    18 Chronicles Student coordinator 19/6/2021 to 20/6/2021
    19 Concrete for Energy Efficiency and Comfort in Buildings Dr. Biswajeet Bhattacharjee 26/06/2021
    20 Story of Bridges ‘That Could Not Built’ Er. KP Abraham 24/07/2021
    21 Best Construction Practices for Ensuring Durability Er. S B Kulkarni 14/08/2021
    22 Health Monitoring of Concrete Structures through Non-Destructive Testing Technologies Er. Kandarp Bhatt 21/08/2021
    23 Specifications and Contract Provisions for Strengthening of Structures Er. A K Sharma 02/10/2021
    24 Digitalization in Construction Industry Er. Anamika Kadam 09/10/2021

    In addition to the chalk and board method of teaching the faculty adopt various methods of teaching such as flipped classroom, on site teaching, case study demonstration, seminar assignments, National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) video class room, demonstration through working models and flip grid assignment.

    # Course & Code Innovative/Novel Approach Practiced Learning Style
    1 Structural Analysis

    Participative learning/ Problem Solving

    Experiential Learning
    2 Transportation Engineering
    Description, MCQ quizzes Based on CO. The numerical were GATE based Interactive method and Problem solving
    3 Environmental Engineering
    Problem solving methodologies Interactive method and Problem solving
    4 Foundation design
    Assignment based on GATE question. Interactive method and Problem solving
    5 Transportation Engineering
    Assignment based on problem solving methodologies Interactive method and Problem solving
    6 Hydraulic And Hydraulic Machines Assignment based on problem solving methodologies Interactive method and Problem solving

    Department of CE has alumni of 3000+ and are working by contributing remarkably in professional, entrepreneurial and research segments. They are helping the students by providing technical assistance, training, technical talks, internships and placements.

    Faculty and research scholars undertake research work in the area of Machine learning, Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks and Security. Scholars are publishing Articles in reputed Journals / Conferences.

    Papers published in last Five years:

    International Journals International Conferences